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<Editor />


Creates the context that stores the editor state.



  • resolverMap<String, React.ComponentType>
    A map of User Components that will be used in the editor
  • enabled?boolean
    Optional. If set to false, all editing capabilities will be disabled
  • indicator?Record<"success" | "error", String>
    Optional. The colour to use for the drop indicator. The colour set in 'success' will be used when the indicator shows a droppable location; otherwise the colour set in 'error' will be used.
  • onRender?React.ComponentType<{element: React.ReactElement}>
    Optional. Specify a custom component to render every User Element in the editor.
  • onNodesChange?(query: QueryMethods) => void
    Optional. A callback method when the values of any of the nodes in the state changes
  • handlers?(store: EditorStore) => CoreEventHandlers
    Optional. Override the default event handlers with your own logic.


Custom render user elements

By default, every user element is rendered just as it is. However, if you'd like to, for example, wrap every user element inside a div, you can do so through the onRender prop:

import {Editor} from "@craftjs/core";

const RenderNode = ({element}) => {
return (
<div style={{background: "#000", padding: "5px" }}>

const App = () => {
return (
<Editor onRender={RenderNode}>
<Frame resolver={{Hero}}>
<Hero />

In the above example, every user element will now be wrapped in a black div.

Customising the drag-and-drop indicator

You could also change the colours/style of the drag-and-drop indicator like so:

import {Editor} from "@craftjs/core";

const App = () => {
return (
'success': '#2d9d78', // green
'error': '#e34850', // red
'style': { // custom CSS properties
boxShadow: '...
'className': 'your-css-class' // custom CSS class
<Frame resolver={{Hero}}>
<Hero />

Callback when Nodes change

Perform a callback whenever the Nodes in the editor is updated/changed

import {Editor} from "@craftjs/core";

const App = () => {
return (
// Save the updated JSON whenever the Nodes has been changed
onNodesChange={query => {
const json = query.serialize();
// save to server'/saveJSON', { json });

Override default event handlers

Customize how the default event handlers are handled

import {
} from '@craftjs/core'

class CustomEventHandlers extends DefaultEventHandlers {
handlers() {
const defaultHandlers = super.handlers()

return {
// Customize the hover event handler
hover: (el: HTMLElement, id: NodeId) => {
const unbindDefaultHoverHandler = defaultHandlers.hover(el, id)

// Track when the mouse leaves a node and remove the hovered state
const unbindMouseleave = this.addCraftEventListener(el, 'mouseleave', (e) => {
e.craft.stopPropagation()'hovered', '')
console.log(`mouseleave node ${id}`)

return () => {

const App = () => {
return (
// Use your own event handlers
handlers={(store) =>
new CustomEventHandlers({ store, isMultiSelectEnabled: () => false })